I was at your webpage.. and I went to that German thingy.. so to translate it.. I went to http://babelfish.altavista.digital.com/cgi-bin/translate?.. I fed in the German.. and asked for English.. I thought the outcome was pretty funny.
Good day! I
hot Chris Lake. my birthday is on five-and-twentieth ninth neunzehnhundertneunundsiebzig.
I have long, brown haare. my speciality is Film. I live in
a Studentenheim. I hear the Beatles' music gern. I read (I
like Douglas of Adam, Stephen King, usw.) and go gladly into the
my friend is called Kim. you
is seventeen years old and her has for a long time, bruenette Haare.
you is very slim and her has blue Augen. you carries gladly blue Kleider.
you has blue shirts, blue Jeans, blue shoes and blue Socken. you
is beautifully and also very intelligently.